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Let there be light!

Sometimes when I go into stores I like to play a game that I like to call "If I could spend______".  
Today my husband and I went to Lowes to run a quick errand and while I waited I played
 "If I could spend $600 on lighting". 

 I have been scoping out some lights to replace the fixture above the kitchen island.  
This is our current light, a boring floursecent light.

I would like a few pendant lights hanging above the island.

Here are some of my favorite kitchen lights:

These lights range from 200-400 dollars but today I found one for $119, and it was at lowes!!

I would love this one above the dining room table

And this one in the entryway 

AHHH lights, how I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I love that bottom one! I've been scoping out that one too! Look at this website:
